Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thanks Deb

Yesterday I really made a conserted effort to get through this in the middle of waiting for the holiday program to be designed etc I travelled through Wikis, RSS feeds, Del .icio. us us etc etc etc. Loved all those ideas, but secretly thought..."More usernames, passwords, email I going to visit these sites again?"
This morning I chatted to Deb, who told me that I could place my RSS feeds onto my internet explorer, so I could see them when I was online! Well what she may have thought was simple, finally put it together for me! Thanks Deb.
I now know that i can have feeds on my Internet Explorer favourites! (Not just through Bloglines)
I now know that I have my favourites bookmarked at
I now know how to place my favourite YouTube clips on to my blog
I now think I will spend a bit more time on my facebook site...and put all this enthusiasm into a site I can share with my friends.

On to the end of the program!


I am not a Librarian said...

Aw ... you're most welcome. We CCLC Bloggers should all get together for a drinky-poos and a chat - I'm sure we'd hear about heaps of other stuff that as individuals we just couldn't get our heads around. Where's a damn CCLC Wiki when you need one! :o)